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Thompson then demonstrates in detail how classical narrative techniques work in ten box-office and critical successes made since the New Hollywood began in the s: Tootsie, Back to the Future, The Silence of the Lambs, Groundhog Day, Desperately Seeking Susan, Amadeus, The Hunt for Red October, Parenthood, Alien, and Hannah and Her Sisters. This develops reading and storytelling skills of children, and an excellent opportunity to cultivate the young mind with our free children’s bedtime story books online. Make children’s bed time more fun and joyful. Reading take your children to a whole new world of fiction, this in turn induce your children’s creative portion. film industry see Hollywood, studio system film noir film theory see theory flashback foregrounding form/content framing Free British Cinema French New Wave/ Nouvelle Vague French poetic realism futurism G gangster/criminal/detective thriller/private-eye films gaze/look gender.